Cash For The Cause: Almost $6,000 Raised So Far... See The First Round of Donations!
Posted: Sep 14 2014
Celebrate people working together! So far, we've raised almost $6,000 in the first week of the effort alone with more to come as the cause keeps getting shared. The response has been great and heartwarming to this video and T-shirt campaign (if you don't count the racist YouTube comments!) Here are screen shots of two of the first donations to the Mike Brown Memorial Fund and Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing and Training. More donations will roll out in the next few days to other organizations whose work we want to support and highlight so stay tuned. As the cash comes in from PayPal and the credit card processors and we'll keep posting pics of the donations. This is just the first round of donations to Mike Brown Memorial Fund and Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing as so many people continue to want to wear the shirt's message to visibly spread the word and make a statement in their community!
NOTE: Organizations we donate to are not affiliated with We just love their work!